Brianne Herbert
Occupational Therapist
Brianne received her bachelor’s degree in Motor Development Therapy from Bridgewater State University and her master’s degree in Occupational Therapy from Bay Path University. She has experience in both residential and outpatient pediatric settings. She has also worked with adults in skilled nursing facilities.
Brianne enjoys working with children of all ages and is passionate about helping
children and families to reach their highest level of independence through addressing areas including fine motor, visual motor/visual perceptual, sensory processing, self-regulation, activities of daily living, motor planning/praxis, and executive functioning skills. Brianne enjoys building relationships, problem
solving through challenges, and watching the growth of each individual child while providing client-centered interventions. Her favorite occupation is play because she believes the best learning happens when having fun.
In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Some of her
favorite things to do are shopping, going out to eat, playing volleyball, and being outside in the nice weather.